Functional Lab Testing

Testing for the Root Cause

Discover nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, food intolerances and genetic predispositions. Lab testing helps determine your current state of health, allowing us to target deficiencies and imbalances with custom infusions and functional wellness solutions for maximum performance, symptom relief and prevention.

  • Functional medicine testing can give us an understanding of your essential nutrients, thyroid function, cardiovascular health, inflammatory markers, hormones, and more

  • Our specialty tests probe into a specific health concern and may include testing gut microbiome and digestive function, stress and reproductive hormone testing, food sensitivity, energy and metabolism evaluation and more

Functional Medicine Testing

We partner with a number of laboratories, such as Diagnostic Solutions and Vibrant Wellness, to provide a wide array of premium functional lab testing customized to each individual’s unique wellness needs.

Our top lab tests performed as part of our functional wellness solutions include the GI-MAP, IgE Allergy Combo, and the Organic Acids Profile.

The GI-MAP tests for amounts of good and bad bacteria, H. PyloriCandida, and other parasites in a stool sample, and in addition, measures leakage due to Leaky Gut Syndrome. It is an improvement on previously standard techniques which relied on culturing a bacteria sample, as unlike a culture, GI-MAP is able to detect species of bacteria which cannot grow under normal conditions.

Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP™) is a test to determine what microbes are in a patient stool sample, and in what quantities. It works by repeatedly copying any DNA in the sample and then analyzing what and how much DNA it finds. It is able to find germs in amounts as low as one cell per 10 grams. It is also very good at finding parasites, which is very important because it is estimated that up to one in four American adults live with a parasite such as H. Pylori. Many are unaware of it.

A medical practitioner can spot problems in a patient’s gut flora with this test. For example, certain organisms which are common in healthy individuals, such as Candida, can cause health problems if they are in excess. This is a condition known as dysbiosis. Candida in particular can cause many chronic issues, such as fatigue, lethargy, rashes, joint pains, constipation, and diarrhea, among others.

The GI-MAP also measures certain non-microbial factors. It measures levels of certain immune system function and digestive proteins which are considered to be especially good signs of digestive function and gastrointestinal health. Too much or too little of these proteins can be a sign of a range of gut issues, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD or IBS) or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Leaky Gut Syndrome is an especially important part of the test, as it is common but poorly understood by modern medicine. It is a problem with the lining of the intestines which lets germs and undigested food into the bloodstream and can cause bloating, gas, cramps, and food sensitivities.

The GI-MAP is an extremely valuable tool in understanding your personal health needs. An impressive volume of scientific research shows that gut health is key in maintaining proper immune, hormonal, neurological, endocrine, and metabolic function. Analyzing your gut health is often essential to uncovering the root cause of chronic, frustrating symptoms, and the sensitivity and validity of GI-MAP results are unparalleled.

While GI-MAP stool testing is not covered by insurance, it is an affordable test, and the results are consistently helpful in finding the root cause of symptoms and creating a customized holistic health plan. It is important that you partner with a holistic health professional who can help you accurately interpret and take action on your GI-MAP results.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Experiencing impaired digestive health, or gut-related inflammation including leaky gut syndrome, IBS, heartburn, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and GI distress
  • As indicated by The Barrel drip protocols

The IgE Allergy Combo test is a comprehensive blood test measuring IgE antibodies to a plethora of foods and environmental allergens. We test over 150 allergens at the extract and component level, making it one of the most extensive and affordable functional medicine allergy test available.

Receive insight into IgE reactions for the following: 

  • Pollen, including grass, trees, and weeds
  • Mites
  • Microorganisms and Spores, including yeast and mold
  • Plant foods
  • Cereals, including wheat, rye, barley, and more
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Nuts and Seeds, including component testing for peanuts, pecans, walnuts, poppy seeds
  • Animal Food, including milk, eggs, seafood, and meat
  • Insect Venoms, including component testing for wasps and honeybees

Patients experiencing any of the following symptoms could benefit from allergy testing:

  • Itchy mouth or oral irritation
  • Hives or eczema
  • Itching or swelling of skin
  • Nasal and sinus congestion
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
  • History of allergic reaction
  • Fluctuations in heart rate

Organic acids are cellular byproducts produced through metabolic processes that can be measured in the urine to test for cellular imbalances contributing to suboptimal health.

Conventionally, organic acids have been used to screen for inherited disorders that can cause serious health repercussions. Organic acid testing utilization has been expanded within the functional medicine world to offer a more comprehensive health screening and is often ordered for patients seeking help with chronic illnesses.

A sampling of additional lab tests available are detailed below.

As we grow older, our bodies begin to work differently. We may swear that we’re healthy and don’t feel the effects of aging, but our body’s systems may already be working differently on a microscopic level. We may not feel these effects until they manifest into debilitating diseases and conditions. Anti-aging testing allows you to examine your body’s current status so that you can take the necessary steps to improve your health and help avoid those things that may lead to the acceleration of age-related health conditions. This testing includes:

  • Micronutrient testing – analyzes the direct levels of micronutrients to provide a complete picture of a person’s nutritional status
  • Hormone panel – assesses the status of hormones and their precursors and metabolites

This test is ideal for those:

  • Seeking to know where they stand clinically in order to customize an effective anti-aging or beautification protocol
  • As indicated by The Maverick or The Gidget drip protocols

For anyone seeking to know their immunity status for COVID – also those indicated for the Longboard drip.

We are offering COVID nasal swab PCR testing for those who are needing test results to attend events, travel, or are just feeling like they want to verify their status. Test results are typically back within 48 hours.

An Inflammation Panel is a blood test that can help detect causes of inflammation in the body such as autoimmune disorders or arthritis and includes:

  • Connective Tissue Panel – for the detection of connective tissue disorders (CTD) and related autoimmune disorders
  • Wheat Zoomer – for the detection of wheat and gluten-related disorders, intestinal permeability, celiac disease, and gluten-related autoimmunity

This test is ideal for those:

  • Dealing with inflammation and chronic pain
  • As indicated by The Riptide drip protocol

Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants) play an essential role in human health. They are crucial for proper immune function, energy production, and growth and development. Micronutrient testing analyzes the direct levels of micronutrients to provide a complete picture of a person’s nutritional status.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Interested in identifying their nutrient deficiencies to improve their health & wellness

Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants) play an essential role in human health. They are crucial for proper immune function, energy production, and growth and development. Micronutrient testing analyzes the direct levels of micronutrients to provide a complete picture of a person’s nutritional status. Coupled with food sensitivity testing, which measures the body’s immune response to a wide variety of whole food extracts, this knowledge assists in the understanding of the root cause of a person’s symptoms.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Experiencing impaired digestive health, or gut-related inflammation including leaky gut syndrome, IBS, heartburn, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and GI distress
  • As indicated by The Barrel drip protocol

Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants) play an essential role in human health. They are crucial for proper immune function, energy production, and growth and development. Micronutrient testing analyzes the direct levels of micronutrients to provide a complete picture of a person’s nutritional status. Coupled with food sensitivity testing, which measures the body’s immune response to a wide variety of whole food extracts, this knowledge assists in the understanding of the root cause of a person’s symptoms. Added to this testing is the Wheat Zoomer, for the detection of wheat and gluten-related disorders, intestinal permeability, celiac disease, and gluten-related autoimmunity

This test is ideal for those:

  • Experiencing impaired digestive health, or gut-related inflammation including leaky gut syndrome, IBS, heartburn, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and GI distress
  • As indicated by The Barrel drip protocol

Blood analysis provides a unique understanding of an athlete’s health and performance. Certain biomarkers like Vitamin D and ferritin can directly impact athletic performance while others, like cortisol and creatine kinase, can provide insight into overtraining and injury prevention. Muscle growth and recovery testing can help pinpoint areas to improve and implement effective changes to enhance performance.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Seeking information on what is needed to increase their ability to recover from intense physical exertion, surgical procedures or injuries
  • As indicated by The Peak drip protocol

The neurological toxins panel analyzes a variety of toxins that affect neurological health.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Experiencing chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, phantom limb pain, post-herpetic neuralgia, complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS), diabetic neuropathy, central pain related to stroke or spinal cord injuries, other neuropathic and inflammatory pain disorders
  • As indicated by The Riptide or The Pipeline drip protocols

Weight loss testing can help identify imbalances that can impact your ability to maintain a healthy weight. Included in the weight loss panel is a food sensitivity panel + leptin + adiponectin + hormones + micronutrients + insulin + HgbA1C + T3 + T4 + TSH.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Seeking information identifying issues that may inhibit or influence one’s ability to lose weight or metabolize efficiently
  • As indicated by The Shred drip protocol

Vitamin B12 is important for many bodily functions, such as brain health, blood cell production, and proper nerve functioning. Some symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency include extreme tiredness, lack of energy, breathlessness, feeling faint, headaches, and tinnitus among others.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Looking to determine why they may be lethargic and fatigued
  • As indicated by The Pipeline or The Drop drip protocols

Known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin exposure to sunlight. It also occurs naturally in a few foods. Getting enough Vitamin D is needed to keep your body functioning well. Vitamin D helps with strong bones and may help prevent some cancers. Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency can include muscle weakness, pain, fatigue and depression.

This test is ideal for those:

  • Looking to assess and correct a Vitamin D deficiency
  • As indicated by The Gidget drip protocol


Functional medicine focuses on addressing the underlying causes of disease and illness, rather than just treating symptoms. Our very own Lisa Barr, MD provides functional medicine consultations to create an individualized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of your health concerns.

  • During a functional medicine consultation, you’ll be asked detailed questions about your medical history, diet, exercise habits, stress levels, sleep patterns, and other factors. We may order laboratory tests or other diagnostic tests to gain a more complete understanding of your current health status.

  • Based on the information gathered, we will create a personalized treatment plan that may include dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements, medications, and other therapies. The goal of functional medicine is to holistically optimize your health and well-being!

Prices are subject to change. Other restrictions may apply.