• When we are young and healthy, our bodies naturally produce NAD+. These levels, however, decrease as our bodies begin to show signs of physical and mental aging. This makes our Maverick NAD+ IV infusion beneficial in alleviating age-related ailments, promoting longevity and boosting one’s overall sense of wellbeing. The NAD+ in the Maverick IV drip is an all-natural solution for those suffering from chronic disease and age-related health issues.

  • Dr. Lisa Barr, medical director of Hang 10 Drips, shares how high-dose vitamin C therapy is being used to help people with compromised immune systems. If you’re feeling unwell and can’t figure out what the problem might be, stop by on Functional Fridays for an assessment.

  • Discover how high-dose Vitamin C infusions can bring hope and relief to cancer patients. Learn about the proven benefits of this natural remedy, its history and more!

  • What do aging, dieting, weight loss and athletic training potentially have in common? Oxidative stress. This condition is marked by an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body and can lead to cell and tissue damage.

  • An often overlooked pain and detox mystery

    This blog post is personal. I feel compelled to share my story about pain and oxalates while exploring oxalate crystal disease, common symptoms, and the association between oxalates and potentially related conditions including kidney stones, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, vulvodynia, autism and atherosclerosis.

  • The many immersive benefits of IV infusion therapy

    Partied too hard last night? Or maybe you woke up with a fierce migraine? Sure, you can try a cold compress or over-the counter pain meds. But for fast, effective relief, nothing cures a headache as efficiently as The Pipeline, an upscale Meyer’s Cocktail IV infusion available at Hang 10 Drips.

  • Healthy lifestyle choices can aide your recovery

    With more than 65 million reported cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. alone (and rising), many people are experiencing symptoms for weeks and even months after the infection has cleared. Recovering from COVID does not guarantee that everyone will return to their usual state of health.